agile business strategies
with lean high-performance teams by maximizing alignment, engagement,
and decision-making freedom.
Excellent domain knowledge in pharma, biotech, and capital markets.
Coaching teams on
how to apply the scientific method,
back-briefing, and having
effective conversations
productive conflict.
Driving machine learning, data analytics and business intelligence
projects using a
Plan-Predict-Do-Check-Evaluate cycle.
Leading and implementing industrial full-stack data science, machine
learning, natural language processing, and recommender system
Designing, developing, and optimizing search engines for structured
and unstructured data with natural language query interfaces.
Architecting (sub-second) low-latency stream processing platforms and
high-volume batch processing systems.
Designing annotation & active learning systems and curating data
collections to tune prompts and supervised or unsupervised machine
learning models.
Feature engineering and transfer/representation learning to support
scant expert-annotated samples.
Professional software design, prototyping, integration, deployment,
and operations in the Cloud.
Business expertise serving clients world-wide, especially the U.S.